Monica Tsimbouri: Nanotopographical modulation of cells and bacteria for next generation orthopaedic implants

Biomaterials Seminars Glasgow


Dr Monica Tsimbouri
University of Glasgow

Interested in the work by Ivanova and others - there's a Doodle post on that:

More about Monica:

Papers mentioned in the talk:
The control of human mesenchymal cell differentiation using nanoscale symmetry and disorder. MJ Dalby, N et al. Nature Materials 6 (12), 997-1003

Nanoscale surfaces for the long-term maintenance of mesenchymal stem cell phenotype and multipotency. RJ McMurray, et al. Nature Materials 10 (8), 637-644

Bactericidal activity of black siliconIvanova et al. Nature Communications 4, Article number: 2838 doi:10.1038/ncomms3838